Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pasteurella Causes Deaths

Pasteurella is a bacteria normally found in the upper respiratory tract of animals and in the environment. Although very common, they may be difficult to control because of resistance to antibiotics. A culture may need to be run to determine which drug will work. DON'T WASTE TIME! You need to get this under control as quickly as possible.

I was reading a University of Florida article. As I always say, controlling stress greatly decreases health problems. The article stated:

"Prevention: All you have to do is ..... Don't stress the animals and don't expose them to IBR, BVD, PI-3 or BRSV.... they won't get sick with pasteurellosis. But animals do get stressed, and these viral infections are commonplace across the United States. We try to prevent the disease pasteurellosis by keeping the resistance level in the animal above the disease challenge level. The tools we use to maintain this separation are: minimizing stress, vaccinating, and antibiotics. By minimizing stress on the animal we may keep the animal's defenses from being compromised. Remember .... the animal's normal body defenses keep the Pasteurella infections in check and since IBR, BVD, PI-3 and BRSV infections reduce the natural respiratory tract defenses, keep the animals vaccinated against these viruses." 1. 2.



This document is VM-63, one of a series of the College of Veterinary Medicine, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Date reviewed May 1996. Please visit the FAIRS Web site at


E. J. Richey, DVM, Professor and Beef Cattle Specialist, Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, 32611.

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