Friday, September 11, 2009

Back Rub for Deer Insect Control

This is one of the things I do to help control the Culicoides gnat that is the vector carrying the EHD and Blue Tongue viruses. I ordered my back rubs from Jeffers Vet Supply using the rub and flyps. I use diesel and a permethrin product Ultra Boss. It's marketed for cattle. As always, check with your veterinarian for their suggestions on using anything that may be off-label use. I start out with the rub uncharged and hanging as high as I can get it, usually 7 or 8 feet. I hang it where the deer will have to use an opening to go for food or water. After a day or so I'll start lowering it a little each day until I get it to the height I want. Then I charge it with the mixture. I haven't had any problems of the deer not using it. If you place it where the use is voluntary you probably won't get much benefit from it. This is the link for Jeffers Use their search window. Enter "Cow Life Cattle Rub", "face flyps", and "UltraBoss" to find the products. Jeffers has great prices.

1 comment:

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